HTML, CSS, & Foundation Learning Resources

Design Principles & Standards





  • Installing Ruby was at one point a long and difficult process on a Windows machine, but no longer! Simply pick up the Ruby Installer, then follow the instructions to install.
  • Next, download the Development Kit best associated with your current system. (Located on the same page.)
  • Unzip the Development Kit in a localized directory, C:\DevKit\ for example.
  • Open a Windows Command Prompt with Administrator access and enter the following commands:
    • ruby -v - This is a text command, your prompt should return something like 'ruby 2.0.0p353' or similar
  • Update your version of Ruby via: gem update --system
  • That's it! You are up and running!

  • Ruby Gems

    • gem install compass - Installs Compass for Development with Sass, Compass, Foundation, etc.
    • gem install rails - Installs Rails (For Ruby on Rails Development )
    • More to come!

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